trip down memo…

i was walking down my way to memory lane, errr, circa say 2003-2007, when i stumbled upon some songs that kept me sane throughout college and boy was i glad to hear really cool songs that seems to be missing nowadays. here are some of them: click on the song title to listen.

these girls are really amazing!

these girls are really amazing!

Aly and Aj Michalka : Chemical’s React , No One, Collapsed, and Potential Breakup Song

I am a fan of Aly and Aj wayyyy before Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers came into the picture. i think these girls have the looks, charisma , and the legitimate talent that seems to be missing from the more mainstream, popular young singers nowadays! have you seen these sister’s rock on their guitar?! amazing! and BTW they recently changed their name to 78violet!

SpongeCola : Jeepney, Gemini, DragonFly, All We Need, Neon and Nocturne.

Sponge's 2nd album

Sponge's 2nd album

1st album Palabas that sprouted amazing songs!

1st album Palabas that sprouted amazing songs!

I was pretty much obssessed with Spongecola my College years. i was one of those screaming at their campus  performances and i still believe that they are amazing musicians. its just that i wasn’t a fan of the singles from their 3rd album so i haven’t bothered to buy a copy. But i do have 2 copies of Palabas Album and Transit. I will reserve my judges for the 3rd album as i haven’t heard all the songs just yet. But this band is really up there in their musicality if my basis are their 1st 2 albums which in my opinion are superior.

i might add some more into this list in the coming days, it’s just that my bed is calling me now.